A Very Australian Christmas Party
One step up from spending your Christmas celebrations on the beach, is of course, spending the day on a boat on Sydney Harbour!
At Boat Hire Sydney we have helped hundreds of Australians with their Christmas party planning checklists. And this doesn’t just include the actual day. Christmas in Australia starts from the very first office party. This can be anytime from mid-November right up until the 23rd of December. We’ve hosted some of the very best Christmas parties in Sydney!
Australian Christmas celebrations involve beer (for the adults!)
Beer is an Australian Christmas tradition and drink of choice on Christmas day. And possibly every other day of the year. The availability of ice cold beer is just one of the things that makes a boat such a great venue choice for your Christmas gathering.
Santa wears shorts in Australia, and he likes to surf.
Popular attire for many boat Christmas party guests is the good old santa hat. But that is where the santa references stop! In Australia we have our own version of santa and office Christmas themes. Hint: there’s no snow, and Santa doesn’t wear a full suit.
Forget the snow themed decorations
It hardly ever snows in Australia, and certainly not in the summer. Australian Christmas decorations and greeting cards can sometimes be hard to find. Those snow filled scenes should be reserved only for Christmas in July parties. Online shopping is the answer for your Australian themed Christmas decorations! And you can find there, plenty of Australian animals wearing santa hats. Or you could just go Hawaiian theme for the day?
Seafood is the winner
Australian Christmas food = seafood. One of the best things about Christmas (apart from bonding with relatives and friends!) is that fact that you get the opportunity to eat so much seafood. There is nothing more Australian than eating your weight in prawns in December. So much so that you simply can’t eat another until Christmas next year!
Get in contact with the team at Boat Hire Sydney for help with planning your perfect Australian Christmas event. We have just the right boat for you!